A Bend in the Road
by Nicholas Sparks
Review by Sierra B.
The book I am going to write about is A Bend in the Road. It is about a young couple who are high school sweethearts and the wife dies in a hit and run accident. For two years he is trying to figure out who did this to his wife; then he falls in love with his son’s second grade teacher. After a few months of going out he finally finds the answers to his questions he has been looking for the last two years. He finds the person who left his wife in the ditch with a blanket covering her. He has to make a decision; should I forgive this person because he was a young teenage boy who was innocent, or send him away forever behind bars because his wife is never coming home? The characters are Miles, Missy, and Jonah Ryan, Sarah and Brian Andrew. It takes place in New Bern, North Carolina.
I enjoyed this book a lot because I like how it keeps you interested and how it makes you not want to put the book down. There was always something new coming up.
My favorite character was the antagonist, because he had the courage to admit to the husband that he was the one who was driving the car that hit and killed his wife. He knew he could not keep hiding and finally admitted to the crime so everyone can move on with their lives.
The character I related to most was Miles, because I know how it feels to fall in love with your high school sweetheart and have them be everything your life is about. I also understand the pain of losing someone very close to you.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Nicholas Sparks and loves mysterious and romantic books.
I liked the ending because it is unexpected, but I can’t give it away because that would be foolish of me. You will have to read the book and find out if Miles forgives the guy who killed his wife, or if the guy is sent away forever behind bars, because Miles wife is never coming home.
I think the message the author was trying to tell the readers was that there is always going to be turning points in your life however, there is also a lot of forgiveness. Unexpected things will happen to you, but always tell the truth rather than lie and cover things up, because it will get you further in life.