A Deeper Love Inside
by Sister Souljah
Review by Carlye M.
This book is the sequel to “The Coldest Winter Ever”, A deeper love inside tells the story of Porsche Santiaga and what she goes through; while being passed from foster homes, group homes, and juvenile detention centers. Throughout the book there are multiple characters but the main character is Porsche. The setting of the book takes place with Porsche in jail. This is one of my favorite books that I’ve read while I have been here at HGA, I like this book because it tells a story of a girl that goes through trials and tribulations but doesn’t give up she keeps pushing. I feel like I can relate to some of the things in this book because I’ve also been through my fair share of detention centers and my life isn’t perfect but I keep trying. I definitely recommend this book because it’s always going to keep you guessing, it’s the type of book that keeps you reading. There is a “quote” from the book that isn’t directly stated but its implied by Porsche, “NEVER GIVE UP ON FAMILY”, I like that quote because my family means everything to me.
I Rate this book 5 stars