Wings of Fire
by Tuit T. Sutherland
Review by William M.
This book is a prophecy about a dragon from the Night wing kingdom. There are seven kingdoms in this book. There are the Night wings, Rain wings, Sea wings, Sand wings, Ice wings, Sky wings, and the Mud wings. The dragonets’ names are Clay (Mud Wing), Tsunami (Sea Wing), Glory (Rain Wing), Starflight (Night Wing), and last but not least Sunny (Sand Wing). The prophecy says that the dragonets of Destiny will come and stop the war. This book takes place all over what is now the united states.
I definitely loved reading this book. I enjoyed it because of the uncertainty and adventure of them trying to escape captivity and fulfill their prophecy. The dragonets are like siblings and that is not usually common because the dragons usually keep to their own kingdoms. I like that cause being in jail we have to get along in order for it to be a little peaceful.
My favorite character was Tsunami; she is a Sea wing. She takes care of all the other dragonets and tries to be a good role model for them. She is a natural leader since she was taken from the royal hatchery in the Sea wing kingdom.
I can relate with them in only one way. I can relate to their uncertainty of what is going to happen to them from one day to another.
YES, I definitely would recommend this book series to other people. I think you would have to have a sense of imagination.
I think the author was trying to say that no matter what you are going through you can stick together. The dragonets stick together no matter what happens to them. Even if they think the other has abandoned them they find them and ask what happened. That is what I think the author is trying to portray to us. She wants us to know that we are never alone.
I don’t particularly like the way it ended. I didn’t like it because it was a major open ending. I don’t have access to the next book to the series so I can’t even find out what happens next. I thought it was kind of frustrating, because I love reading but I always need to be able to finish the book! It was a kind of a happy/sad ending. Starflight got burned at the end of the book and when they got back he passed out so I don’t know or even have a glimpse of what is going to happen.
I would rate this book a five. I would say it is a five because it was really easy to read. It kept my attention the whole way!! I was so excited when I found this book series, because for me it is really hard to stay focused on a book unless it is 1) exciting, and 2) it has an unknown adventure.